Capítulo 5 Chapter : 5 : the pig.

- Ha, ha, ha, ha,.....María burst out laughing when she saw that Carlos had grabbed the pig.

- María,... Cecilia caught his attention.... María, please...

María turned to look at her aunt and couldn't stop laughing, Carlos looked at her and then looked at the pig and when he saw that María couldn't stop laughing he decided to ask.

- What does this mean? pig.

María looked at him without stopping laughing, María's eyes were filled with light, they shone so much that Carlos realized that María was a happy young woman, and that her face was filled with a bright light while she laughed, María was really very happy. . , she felt happy to be home again that she herself had not realized. After a while María answered him.

- That pig was a gift that my father gave me when I was just a little girl.

- then it must mean something to you.

- No... it doesn't mean anything to me.

- but his father gave it to him.

- Yes, my father gave it to me, but many times we have to let go of people who are no longer with us. Besides, I'm already big, take it to your boss, the insurance must have children and it's also well preserved.

- I don't think he likes it, he might take it the wrong way.

- Well then give it to someone or keep it for yourself. You already took it out of the box and you can't put it in anymore.

Carlos took the pig and turned to leave when suddenly, María said to him again.

- By the way, what is the honor of your visit because...?

Carlos turned around and told him.

- It will be for later, first let me give this gift to my boss.

Carlos turned around and looked for the street, a car was waiting for him there.

- Ricardo... said María.

"Say, ma'am..." Ricardo responded.

- Will you be able to follow him.... María told him.

- Yes, ma'am.... Ricardo responded.

- Sebastián, accompany him.... Sebastián, obeying, went to his car along with Ricardo and they began to follow Carlos.

- María, what's happening?... asked Cecilia.

- Aunt, today Carlos has come three times and for me his boss is not in the center, for me he is right here in the town.

- You believe. -Cecilia asked.

- Yes, aunt, if I were downtown I wouldn't have had time to come three times today.

- Aunt, tell me something, Ricardo is trustworthy.

- Of course, daughter.

- Now tell me auntie, what's going on here.

- what do you mean.

What is happening here in town?

- because the question... Carmen interrupted.

- Aunt Carmen, look at these people, it seems they are wrong. They also have land, crops and livestock, because they are bad.

- Daughter, I rather than you..... Cecilia told her, and they had not yet finished saying the word when María interrupted her.

- They put these lands in my name, without asking me, lands that are not only mine, but yours as well, they did not consult me ​​for that. Now don't even think that I won't find out what's happening, if you don't tell me, I'll ask someone else, maybe I'll ask a neighbor.

Cecilia and Carmen sighed. Suddenly Ricardo's wife approached them.

- Excuse me young man, I can tell you what's happening.

- Don't tell him anything... Cecilia said to Ricardo's wife.

María looked at her, turned to look at her aunts and then answered her.

- what is your name.


- Alicia, nice name. Come and sit down. Esteban, we brought a lot of cookies and bread and concentrate to make juice, please distribute it to the children.

- ok, copied... Esteban responded.

- Come with me Alicia, you too, aunts, Esteban takes care of the girl. It's not good for her to listen...

They walked towards the front of the house, to get away from the people who were in the house at the time. Then, when they got to the front, they sat on some wooden chairs that were there.

- Sit down Alicia. and you too aunt.

- You are going to insist on the same thing.

- Yeah.

- Tell me Alice.

- Alicia, no..... Carmen interrupted him.

- I'm sorry, but I'm going to tell you... Alicia responded.

- Tell me that.... Maria responded.

- his aunts received, three years ago. an attack... Carmen and Cecilia lowered their heads. while Alicia told what happened.

- What are you saying... I ask María...

- What you hear, one night they entered this house and to kill them, if it had not been for my husband and the neighbors who had worked that day picking the crops, they would have killed them. When my husband Ricardo finished harvesting the crops, he saw a strange movement, and without telling them anything, he left, looked for several neighbors and hid inside the house. When the thieves entered, they couldn't do anything to them, says Ricardo. It was them.

- Who are they?... asked María.

- Those who want to buy the land.

- those who want to buy the land

- Yes, miss, Carlos and his people want to buy the land from all of us.

- That is, they not only want these lands, but those of the entire town.

- That's right, they want to buy the land in this place, upriver. And her aunts Cecilia and Carmen were the ones who opposed it, that's why they wanted to get them out of the way, and that's why..... María interrupted Alicia saying.

- That's why they put everything in my name.

- That's right, by putting everything in their name, they would stop bothering them, because if something happens to them, everything is practically theirs, they don't do anything to hurt them... Alicia told María.

- and what happened to you bothers you.

- Three years ago we lost our crops, no one comes to buy, not even from the center, they have where they buy the largest ones, they are prohibited from doing business with us... Alicia told him.

- How powerful is that man..... asked María.

- Miss, he is the owner of all the wholesalers in the center of town and apparently they are going to buy from another town.

-And the cattle.... Maria asked.

- They are not stealing the cattle. They are lost. Our people are worried and many want to sell their lands and put an end to all this. This is the third year, it is already winter and the crops are going to fail again.... Cecilia told him.

- My father was right... said María.

- What are you talking about, daughter... I ask Cecilia.

- That man is a pig.