Capítulo 3 Chapter : 3 :beautiful day.

- go with you

- Yes, what do you think, Aunt Carmen, Aunt Cecilia, please say something?

- I never imagined leaving here...Cecilia responded...also where you want to take us.

Maria was silent for several minutes and then responded.

- Aunt, I'll bring you.

- Where do you work.

- I work in a theater.

- In a theater, for God's sake, daughter, you work in a theater.

- Yes..... Maria responded looking at her face.

- Since when...Cecilia asked.

- Three years ago...... answered María.

- That's why you didn't come.

- That's right, I had a lot of work and just yesterday I went on vacation and I decided to come pick them up and I have to return in three months.

Cecilia and Carmen were silent for several minutes and María, seeing them, decided to break the silence.

They want me to bring them more coffee.

- No daughter, it's already late, we better go rest. Tomorrow we will talk more calmly and you will tell me everything about your work... Carmen responded and getting up she said goodbye to her saying good night. staying in Cecilia's room with her niece María her her.

- Aunt Cecilia... I ask María... what's wrong with working in a theater.

Cecilia looked at her and answered her.

- It's not the daughter of the theater, it's us, Carmen and I believed that when you finished studying you were going to return to this town, that you were going to get married and have children and that your children were going to grow up here, like we like your parents and your grandparents.

Cecilia paused and then continued.

- Look at you, you're beautiful, you seem to be doing well, and you have friends who are good to you, although they are gay, I realized that they love you and that's good, and I can't say that you shouldn't leave because it's your life and I don't have I have no right to criticize, I don't even have the right to stop you. Although I would like to but I can't... Cecilia sighed and then continued....... That's if you don't forget that part of these lands are yours.

Maria looked at her and said.

- Aunt, then don't come with me.

- I don't think so... Cecilia responded.

- Well, I have three months to convince them...... Maria responded with a funny tone.

- three months, because they gave you so many vacations.....

- so you can rest and reflect before signing the contract.

- Contract. Are you going to sign a contract... I ask Cecilia.

- Yes, aunt, a million-dollar contract, they want me to write a novel, if I sign I would have to travel outside the country, that's why I wanted them to come with me.

Surprised by the news, Cecilia responded.

- Daughter, you already signed.

When María listened to her, she preferred to remain silent and then responded.

- No, that's why they gave me vacation so I can think about it, if I accept the contract I will be gone for a long time.

What part of the world are you going to?

- for France.

Cecilia sighed and responded.

- The truth is, you gave me a very big surprise, let's rest daughter, it's already late, go to your room.

María hugged her aunt Cecilia and went to the room, leaving Cecilia sitting in the living room, thoughtful.

Hours had passed and the daylight was coming in through the window. María woke up and noticed that her room was just as she had left it, and that there were the same curtains and the same decorations and even the same dolls and that despite the years were well preserved, he stood up and went to the toilet forshower, when he went out to the bathroom he saw that there was no one in the house, not even Cebastián and Esteban.

He showered, dressed, went to the kitchen, grabbed a cup of coffee and a plate of toast and cheese, and then went to the back of the house.

As she stepped back out, she saw a tall, dark-haired man, dressed in blue pants, a white shirt, and a leather hat, approaching her.

- Good morning,..... I greet as I approach her.

- Good morning....replied María.

- I'm Ricardo, I'm in charge of taking care of these lands, your aunts asked me to tell you to wait here.

- and where are they.

- They are in the field checking the crops, the river overflowed and flooded part of all the land, including those downstream.

- I forgot to tell you that their friends are with them.

- Well, thanks for letting me know.

Ricardo walked away, leaving María alone and María began to tour the house and its surroundings, as it had rained all day and all night, the weather was fresh and a little cold even though it was already eight in the morning.

- It's a beautiful day..... Maria thought out loud, when suddenly they responded.

- beautiful, very beautiful ........ Maria quickly turned around,

- Good morning, the ladies of the house will be there. A man who was right behind her asked her. Maria remained standing, as this person surprised her, it seemed as if he had followed her.

- I asked him a question......said the mysterious man.

- Excuse me, I'm afraid...... Maria responded.

- Am I so ugly?

- Good Don Carlos, what are you saying..... Ricardo interrupted when he noticed that Don Carlos had approached María.

- I'm looking for Mrs. Cecilia and Mrs. Carmen... Carlos responded.

- They're not here right now, they'll have to come later.

Carlos left the place, leaving María alone with Ricardo.

-Who is it... I ask María.

- He is a resident of the town, he comes often.

- and what is it coming for?

- Honey, you finally got up..... Sebastian interrupted them and approaching María told her.

- It's a beautiful day, we went to the river, and the water is crystal clear, we also collected a lot of vegetables.

María, upon listening to Sebastián, began to smile and then told him.

- I told you you'd like it.

- If it's beautiful, the day is beautiful, come with me.......... and Sebastian, taking her by the hand, led her to where the baskets of vegetables that they had collected were.

- look at everything we collected, this is paradise.

- ha, ha, ha... I knew you would like it.

- Good morning daughter, you slept well.

- Yes aunt.

- I am going to rest

- Yes, aunt, and Aunt Cecilia.

- here it comes.

- someone came to look for them.

- WHO.

- A man is called Carlos.

- Carlos..... Cecilia asked as she approached.

- Yes, who is it?

- He is an administrator, he works for a company that wants to buy these lands.

- as .

- as I say.

- Yes really .

- and you want to sell..... María asked curiously.

- No..... Carmen responded.

- They told me that he comes often.... María told him.

- If so, they send them to convince us, but we don't sell.

- and they insist, once their boss came and offered a lot of money, and we said no.

And how did you get rid of it?

- very easy, we told him that we couldn't sell because the real owner of the land had not arrived from a trip.

- Aunt Cecilia, you told her that I... María had not finished speaking when Carmen interrupted them.

- We told him that you are the owner of the land, and we put everything in your name, so that he would leave us alone and that was the case.

- you did what.

- What you heard .

- because they didn't tell me.

- because we wanted to surprise you just the way you gave them to us.

- Guys, that's cheating.

- hahaha. The same thing, my daughter doesn't cheat on me... Carmen responded

- Besides, we are not lying to you, one day we will not be here and you will be the owner of all this, and we decided to put everything in your name, that's how we got rid of that man..... said Cecilia.

- but apparently he already found out that you are here. The town is small and hell is big.

- Girls, it's a beautiful day. Because we don't leave all that bad energy for later... Esteban told them when he saw that there was a lot of tension around him.

- You are very right......replied María, I also brought gifts and many things so we are going to enjoy.

- Bring all the packages...... María said to Sebastián and Esteban. And they ran to the living room and began to take the packages and take them to where Cecilia and Carmen were.

- Aunts, all this is for you. ..said Esteban.

- I see that you are doing well, and I also see that you spend a lot... Cecilia said to María.

- What do you do in the theater and what did you do to be offered a contract?

Maria was silent for a while, then she went to the living room and pulled out chairs, she told her aunts to sit down, then she looked at them and went back into the house. She took a box that she had placed on the table and took it to him. Cecilia and said.

- It is for both. open it...... Cecilia opened the box and inside there was a sound system, when Cecilia and Carmen saw it they said.

- Daughter, this is expensive, how much did it cost you?

- By far, what matters is that here in this house one is missing, since when you don't listen to music, music helps release bad memories and makes you smile.

I went to the theater every day for three years, one time they played very beautiful music and I started dancing, when the director saw me he hired me and then I started studying dance and I learned to dance all kinds of music and I felt deep inside me, that dancing made me forget my sorrows. The day we did a rehearsal, they played an Arabic dance and I went on stage and danced like never before, I didn't know there were two producers there and when they saw me dancing they offered me a contract. I'm going to make a film in France, it's called.

The goddess. Sebastián turned on the music so my aunts could see me.

Sebastián took the equipment that Cecilia had in her hands and while she chose the music, María got ready and when everything was ready. The music began to play and María began to dance, moving her hips in such a seductive way that it seemed as if she wanted to seduce the wind. She gave herself so much to the dance and her aunts and her friends Sebastián and Esteban were astonished to see her, that they didn't realize that someone was watching her, and when the music ended they heard applause that made them turn around. around. And he who looked at her said:

- beautiful day.