Capítulo 4 Chapter : 4 :they want to negotiate with you

- It really is a very beautiful day.

- What do you want Carlos? Cecilia asked seriously.

- They sent me to ask if the owner of the land had arrived.

- and that's for what. I told them we don't sell.

- The boss wants to talk to the owner and he heard that he had arrived yesterday.

- imagine how fast news travels.

- You understand, I just do my job...... Carlos told them.

- Your boss wants to talk to me... María told him.

- You are the owner..... I ask you Carlos.

- Apparently yes... María told him in a mocking tone.


- Yes my love.

- Bring the man a chair and serve him coffee.

- María, Cecilia told her.

- Don't worry, aunt, I know what to do.

Esteban entered the house, pulled out a chair, told Carlos to sit down and then offered him coffee.

Carlos felt strange, he had been to that house several times and it was the first time they had offered him coffee and even more so to sit down.

Maria sat in front of him and asked him.

- so your boss wants to talk to me.

- that's how it is.

- about.

- In these lands he wants to negotiate with you.

- You want to negotiate... María asked him again.

- Well, tell him to come.

- That's impossible, my boss never leaves his office.

- He never leaves his office, what a curiosity he wants to talk to me, he wants to negotiate with me and he never leaves his office, if so, how are he going to negotiate then? To negotiate you have to come see these lands to see if you like them or not.

- He already knows what these lands are like, he already knows what they are like... Carlos responded.

- Tell him that the owner of the land has arrived, and that if he wants to talk to me he has to come... María told him.

- I have a car if you want I'll take you... Carlos told him.

- Don't be daring... Maria answered... he is the one who is interested in talking to me, and in negotiating, so tell him to come.

- Well, miss... Carlos told her.

Carlos got up from his chair and left.

- María, why did you do that... I ask Carmen.

- You're not thinking about negotiating... Cecilia told him.

- No aunt, if you don't want to sell, then it won't sell, although I would like you to think about it, if you sell you would come with me.

- Don't even think about that... Cecilia responded.

- I think it's time for lunch......María commented.

What do you want me to prepare dear?

- If you want, I'll cook... Carmen told him.

- No, aunt, I cook. I came especially to serve you. I also cook very well... Esteban told him.

- They work with me, aunt..... María told them..... Esteban is my cook and Sebastián is my secretary.

- I came to spend vacations and when I return I will give you vacations... María told him.

- Are you trying to say that... Maria hadn't finished speaking when Maria interrupted her.

- Yes, aunt, they are going to stay with me for three months and they are also going with me to France.

- There are vegetables that you think about if you prepare a soup..... Sebastián said to Esteban.

- And what do you think of María?

- I think it's good, if a soup is good... said María.

- Don't worry, today I will help you cook... Sebastián and Esteban retired to the kitchen, and when Cecilia and Carmen stayed with María... they asked her.

- So the trip is serious.

- Yeah

Cecilia and Carmen looked at each other and María told them.

- because the worry.

- Since you don't want us to worry, you left three years ago and we didn't hear from you, so you come back saying that you are leaving the country, that you are dancing in a theater and that you are doing the best. The friends are homosexuals.

Maria started to laugh.

- And you also laugh, it's so funny... Carmen told him.

- The funny thing is that they are thinking wrong... María told him.

- And what do you want us to think...? Cecilia commented.

- I want you to think that life changes and that you have to enjoy it every day, because we don't know when we are going to leave this world and that the day that happens, we will leave this earth, happy and full of satisfaction, and that although Sebastián and Esteban They are homosexuals, not that is, they have no feelings,They feel the same as us and we have no right to judge them. Many people like them are currently being mistreated around the world and are often killed simply for being different.

- You can't change the world, Maria... Cecilia told her when she heard her words.

- I don't know, aunt, but what I do know is that what I can do is not participate in the abuse they receive.

Maria sighed and laughed and went over to her aunts and told them.

- I have three months, you know?

- Three months until..... Carmen answered.

- Three months to convince them, and agree to travel with me...... .... María hugged them and entered the house, and both Cecilia and Carmen remained seated, after a while she came out and approached them. again. and she began to serve them cookies.

- Let's eat while lunch finishes... María told them. She had also taken a bag of chips that she had bought on the way and shared them. Then Esteban came over with juice and served a glass to each one.

- I see that you eat a lot of cookies,... Cecilia told him.

- Yes, many times we don't have time to cook and we buy ready-made food... María told them.

- Well, let me tell you that junk food is not very healthy and if you are going to spend three months on vacation with us, you will have to eat healthy and fresh food from the countryside, and mainly planted and harvested in these lands. ....Cecilia told him.

- You also have three months to convince us. but we also have three months to convince you not to travel......Cecilia told him.

Maria with a smile told them.

- how much they want to bet on him winning.

- My girl, I assure you that you will like this. And by the way, what are you going to do if Don Carlos and his boss come to negotiate with you.

- Ha, ha, ha, ha, nothing aunt, I'll just listen to what kind of business they are going to propose to me.