Capítulo 2 Chapter: 2 : come with me .

- What a surprise, you are here and at this hour..... I asked Carmen.

- You're not happy to see me.

- Of course daughter, come I want to hug you, look how you are now a woman, beautiful.

María had already turned twenty-two years old, she was already a woman, tall, thin, with long straight black hair and white skin, her eyes large and lively.

- I'm going to prepare something to eat, Maria.

- No, Aunt Carmen, thank you. I brought ready food.

-sure daughter.

- Yeah

- And tell me what you are doing..... Carmen asked.

María sighed and looked at both aunts and with a smile and a mischievous look she told them.

- Aunt Cecilia, Aunt Carmen, I did not come alone, some friends brought me, but it is raining a lot and at this time they cannot return and also due to the bad weather it is dangerous for them to return since the road is dangerous. And the bad weather, I wanted to know if they could stay until tomorrow, they are my friends and they are a couple.

Carmen and Cecilia looked at each other and then said to María.

- Yes daughter, tell him to park the car and go into the house.

María went out to the car and spoke with the driver, then returned to the house, the driver started the car again and put it in the garage, then he got out of the car along with his companion and went to the house where María was. , and when you reach the door, María invites you to come forward.

- Aunt Carmen, Aunt Cecilia, meet Sebastián and Esteban.

- Nice to meet you... Carmen greets him, a little confused.

- The pleasure is mine, dear, I have wanted to meet you for a long time, María has told me a lot about you... Sebastian answered them.

- It's very cold and I'm very wet, maybe I can change.

- Of course, I'll show you the room.

Carmen took Sebastián and Esteban to the room, while they walked away, Cecilia looked at María and realizing what was going through her aunt's mind, she started laughing.

- It's not funny....... said Cecilia..... you told me they were a couple.

- They are a couple, it's just that they are homosexuals.

- You don't need to say it, I already realized that they are homosexuals. Her aunt Cecilia responded, and María interrupted her while she spoke.

- Aunt Cecilia

- Not another word girl,......María continued interrupting.

- What's wrong?... asked Carmen when she returned to the house.

- Like, what's wrong... Cecilia responded.

- You don't see who the girl is with.

_ She is no longer a girl......and taking Maria's hand and turning her around, she responded to her sister.

- She's quite a woman.

- It's as if she were famous... Carmen said to Cecilia.

Maria interrupted them by answering.

- So they already told you.

- Yes, and it seems fine to me.

- That Sebastian, I wanted to give them a surprise and he beat me to it.

-How do you know it was Sebastian?

- Since he is like that, he always does the same thing to me.

- What the hell are you talking about?

María and her aunt Carmen stayed silent and looked at Cecilia, and then María told them.

- I think I'm going to want a coffee.

- He already prepared it for you... Carmen responded.

- Change your clothes, everything is in your room, just as you left it, and you're coming to dinner... Cecilia told him.

- Yes, aunt.....María responded and walking away from her, she went to her room, closed the door and Cecilia, seeing that she was no longer there, went to the kitchen.

- Carmen.... called her sister while she was making coffee.

- What's up Sister.

- What did they tell you.

- Cecilia, now, our girl grew up to be a woman, and the worst of all is that we did not lose them, we did not even realize when and at what moment she grew up. Now that she is here, stop worrying about her and we will receive her as she deserves. For her and her friends, let's leave everything negative for another time.

Cecilia lowered her head and then asked.

- You're right, but at least tell me what it is about.

Carmen smiled and then said.

- One of her friends told me that she is famous and that she has a surprise for us. We'd better wait and see what she tells us.

María entered the kitchen, interrupting what they were talking about.

- Aunts, how does this dress look on me?

- It's beautiful.....Cecilia responded.

The dress was pastel green, fitted at the waist and to the ankles, with floral lace on the sleeves.

- It's very nice... Carmen told him and it also seems very comfortable.

- It's super comfortable aunt,

- The coffee is ready.

The three of them went to the living room, they sat on some furniture that was right in front of the window, each one had a cup of coffee in their hand.

- You look tired,... I ask Cecilia.

- Yes, aunt, I'm tired, the trip was very long.

- we are going to eat something.

- Don't worry, aunt, I brought a lot of things to eat.

- What did you bring...... Cecilia asked him

Maria sighed. And while she smiled, Sebastián and Esteban entered the room.

- Dear, let's eat.....and heading towards the bags that had been taken out of the car. Esteban began to take out packages of cookies, chocolates, sweets, bread, fruits and milk. Then he opened another bag and took out four boxes containing roast chicken and French fries.

- With your permission, dear, I'm going to the kitchen to serve you food.

-I'm going to help you,... Cecilia told him.

- No aunt, I'll do it, that's what I came for.

- You called me aunt.

- Yes, I called you aunt, with all due respect, yes my dear Cecilia, you are my friend María's aunt, you are also my aunt, so with your permission I am going to prepare something delicious for you.

Cecilia looked at her niece María and María began to smile again.

- Daughter, you scare me every time you laugh.

- ha ha ha ha ha... because aunt.

- because every time you laugh it's because something strange happens.

- It's because of your face, aunt, I see you surprised.

- You see me surprised niece, you have surprised me that it is not the same, I feel like you are a surprise box.

- Let's go eat..... Esteban entered the room and placed on the table a tray with chicken already ready to eat that they had bought on the way, then he placed a cup with salad and bread,

- serve yourself as you like, there is enough for everyone,

Then Esteban returned to the kitchen, prepared some juice and placed the jug on the table with the glasses and went to Carmen and Cecilia.

- Aunts, if you don't want juice, there is also coffee, milk and chocolate.

Cecilia and Carmen smiled when they saw that Esteban was kind. But they remained silent and preferred to approach the table to eat. While they were eating, Sebastián and Esteban told them all the things they saw during the trip and they told it in a very funny way, and they started laughing while they finished eating. Carmen and Cecilia told Esteban to go out and wash everything in the morning, because it was already late and it was still raining.

- Since what time has it been raining...... asked Sebastian.

- From very early..... Carmen responded.

- And the river, it must have risen... Maria asked him.

- Yes, it has grown a lot, but nothing happens here... Cecilia responded.

- Dear, let's go to sleep, it's cold and we want to rest.

- Sure guys, you're home, have a good night.

When Sebastián and Esteban went out to rest, Cecilia turned to see María and María asked her.

- What happens, aunt?

- Daughter, tell me what's wrong.

- aunt ,....

- Just tell me what happens if.

- you won't understand.

- as if he wouldn't understand. and what do you want me to understand?

Maria was silent for a while and then told them.

- Aunt Cecilia, Aunt Carmen, I came because I'm on vacation and I'm leaving again in three months, and I came because I wanted them both to come with me, I came to look for them,

- What....said Carmen.

- Yes, that's how they hear it.

- I'm not going daughter

- Aunt Cecilia

- I don't see myself leaving town.

- Please, Aunt Cecilia. Come with me. And you too, Aunt Carmen, come with me, I want you both to come with me.